
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Solve the problem of a high degree of computer heat suddenly stop functioning

Solve the problem of a high degree of computer heat suddenly stop functioning

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Solve the problem of a high degree of computer heat suddenly stop functioning‬‏

There is no doubt that most laptop users, they face the problem of high temperature and the latter suddenly ceased to engage has this problem in the long run lead to the disruption of combustion and certain parts of the hardware and in particular Albroosissour. In order to solve this problem, I will review with you some solutions which you can fix the problem.

First, the problem of the fan!
Problem of the high degree of computer heat may lead to a rise in the voice of the fan and this is due to the lack of flow of an adequate amount of air for cooling, You all see the openings that exist underneath the notebook computer, Behind These openings are no cooling fan and the fan takes cold air pumped into the latter. But if you fill the area in front of this fan will not be able to find a cool air for pumping inside it and thus gets hot, he put the laptop on the bed or on the feet leads to clogging the holes and therefore no air entering the cold and this leads to higher temperature Albroosissour and turned off the laptop.
In addition to the blockage of these openings because of the dirt that accumulates there with the passage of time, and thus be a barrier of dirt which makes the air does not pass to cool Albroosissour. For this you must open the computer and purified.
If you see a message as in the picture below, this is due to the fan stopped working immediately after takeoff. Valmhkl lies here in this fan only and you must change it.

I also have this problem I've ever had and you change the fan and the problem disappeared.

Second: paste processor (Albroosissour).
Albroosissour containing toothpaste for cooling, it is a very important component for efficient cooling and is placed on the surface of the processor to run on heat transfer resulting from the processor to the heat sink and then to the propeller, it contributes to the movement of heat rapidly and it is advisable to use putty that contains atoms of aluminum in order to speed the transfer of the heat. That must change the old putty new one.

Here we come to the end of the topic, if you have any question please feel free to put it here for your answer and help you. Bookmark with friends for the benefit.


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