
Monday, April 18, 2016

Services provided by Google may not have heard it before!

Google is one of the global companies that have been able to reach its goal in a short time Immediately after you hear her go alone with its engine or service email and perhaps Aautob ....... exports are really to provide other services that may not hear them never before.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن جوجل

1-- Google Person Finder:

This is a beautiful service which gives you all the information about the people who went missing in natural disasters, especially in India, China and other countries.

2 - Google Books

Through which it can search for any book you have in mind is a state or a year increase on a global university research, which will help in the development of study skills and mentality.

3 - get your business online

This latter task will help all the owners of companies and department stores and the like so it which you can add your company's headquarters to Google maps for many customers, and to start major projects.

Rub in the fourth to Trajabh these distinctive services and Tnmny be Mviedk you Astodek in Amanullah and save


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